Имеет награды в области народного творчества (резьба по дереву, глина).
Труды Мотовилова Д.Н. зарегистрированы в Международном Интеллектуальном Фонде “Перестройка Естествознания”.
Номинирован на звание “Человек Года – 2006” и на вручение Золотой Медали “Свобода-2006”(2.2)
Dmitry Nicolaevich Motovilov (born on 04.12.1946) – The
chairman of the innovation firm “The cooperative centre of the Motovilov`s
technologies”, the head engineer of the progect of the International Intellectual
fond “The reconstruction of natural science”, russian professor, engineer,
inventor, thinker, public man.
Hi is an author of a row of scientific discoveries in
the electrodynamic sphere and in the field of theory of relativity, of
geometrophysics of Gabriel Kron, classic and guantum theory mechanics,
Viner-Prigozin`s cybernetics and so on, in particular – the the demonstration
of transcendental expression in radicals for quadrature of circle, some
formulas of analytic geometry, substantiation of electromagnetic energy
stream`s fundamental non-balance, connected with revealing of the electromagnetic
energy streams, that are not taken into account in the classic physics,
of zero points of mechanic forces of material`s resistance, Maxwell-Herz`s
electromagnetism theory for the case of many sources superposition, that
has given the demonstration of new fundamental theorems and paradigm of
electrical engineeting, discovery (1989) of the new, non-wave (static)
kind of electromagnetic radiation, specific phenomena of it`s streams spreading
and special effects – refraction, adherence, sliding, reflection, convergetion,
which really disprove for the first time the theory of the thermal death
of the Universe.
The author of discovery of “technogens” (the universal informational-energetic ruling cells of the surrounding world) and the creator of the base of “Motovilov`s technogenetics” - the science about the common organization and development of the informational and energetic structures of the surrounding world of nature and technics, which has given a possibility to elaborate the base of the “Third origin of thermodynamics”, to formulate the universal “Laws of world development and progecting of the technics”; on the base of fundamental works cycle “The investigation and designing of the new principles of the optimum control” the author has proposed the civilization principles of the Motovilov`s energetics, the New Civilization Paradigm and new civilizational cosmic humankind conciouness.
The author (WEB) is a popularizer of science and technics in scientific, publicistic publications and web-publications upon the energy streams theory, technogenetics, thermodynamics, theory of relativity, EH-antennas theory, quantum mechanics, historic religious criptology, New Civilizatoin, publisher of a row of monographs, including “The energy streams theory”, “Technogenetics”, “Direct current power transformers”, “Number 666: Knowledge” and so on.
In the Scientific-Research Institute of Calculation`s Technics he developed the ideas of Harkevich-Shraider`s semantism and first elaborated the base of the United Calculation for the information-energy (1975), and propozed the common vector unity of measuring “Infoen” (information-energy) as the measure of the new mattert phase transformation.
The developer of about hundred inventions in the field of aviation, space engineering and medcine, MGD-generators, transformers, amplifiers, superconductive technics, cybernetics, radiolocation and radiocommunication, in the pneumonics apparatus, electric engineering, pulse electrotechnics. The Silver Laureate of the 24E Geneve Inventions Salon (1996), the author has generalized and sistematized on the base of technogenetics the schemes of supersingle energy generation in the thermal pumps, plazma and vortical generators and in Sobolev group generators first in the world substantiated the sghemes of Energy generation and Movement on the base of the convergetion effect, he discovered; created and defended by euroclaims (1991) the new class of power transformers (Direct current`s, or PDCT, or Transformers of Motovilov), the attempts to construct them – even by nobel prise laureats – were not a succes for many years; offered a scheme of the field motor for space (1967).
Has prizes in the field of folklore (carving, ceramics).
The works of Motovilov D.N. are registed at the International Intellectual Fund “The reconstruction of Natural Sciences”.